Tokyo Gaming Safari

Wanting to understand the gaming market in Japan, a world-wide well known internet search company sought to explore the different gaming outlets available to Japanese consumers, as well as usage preferences.

Our Work

  • Desk research to outline the key gaming areas, (i.e., Akihabara, Nakano, Ikebukuro) to inform the planning of the safari in consultation with the client

  • An 8-hr guided immersion tour to selected gaming outlets, including arcades, e-sports cafés, and electronic stores

  • In addition to observation, we interviewed shop clerks, customers, and gamers at the arcade

The Outcome

  • The team left with a new perspective and understanding of the vast competition that lies within the bustling city of Tokyo, as well as the very real differences in the Japanese gaming market

"It was so amazing to see arcades in Japan. I never would have thought that they would be so packed with people. Thank you for showing us around and explaining the different types of arcade games. Seeing how different the electronic stores are set up in Japan was very useful for the team. The opportunity to observe the placement of our games, and competitors, was very insightful."

– Client Voice

Our goal is nothing less than to help you create a successful partnership between your brand and the people who trust it.

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